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挑战自己,不仅要成为一名音乐家,还要成为一个拥有文学学士学位的人.A.)的音乐. 我们通过各种课程为您做好准备,而不仅仅是在课堂上 individual lessons 但也可以通过联合乐团和团体. 还有我们最先进的设施和威尼斯人app下载 执行专业,你准备好了ce毕业后. 

About the Program

用一个足够灵活的程序来创作音乐,使你的教育满足你的特定需求和激情. 我们的节目为您提供历史, theory, 在音乐事业上取得成功所必需的基本音乐素养和实践技能. As a music major, 你可以从各种各样的课程和合奏中选择, 以及参加表演小组.  

Music Quick Facts

Mount Union大学文学学士s 在音乐学位允许您定制您的学位,以满足您的具体职业目标. 这使我们有别于大型大学. 

  • 42-47 音乐课程的学分 
  • 32 全面的综合核心课程的学分 
  • Student Showcase给学生机会 在满是教员的观众面前表演, students, 以及联合山社区的其他成员. 
  • Join 包括联盟交响乐团在内的超过15个演出团体, the marching band, jazz band, the women’s chorus, repertory strings, and many more. 


视觉和表演艺术奖学金 对那些在艺术方面有特殊天赋的学生开放, media, music or theatre. Scholarship amounts are based on an audition or portfolio review and interested students should schedule an audition and/or portfolio review or contact the 表演艺术系 or the 视觉艺术与媒体系. 


By adding a performance or composition concentration you will graduate with the equivalent of a Music Bachelor of Arts 演奏或作曲. The B.A. in music without a concentration can be combined with a host of other degrees and minors to target a specific career path.  

  • Curriculum

    Music Curriculum

    作为一名Mount Union大学音乐专业的学生, 你将学习历史, theory, 基本的音乐素养和音乐实践技能. 在你攻读音乐文学学士学位的时候, 您将有机会从各种各样的课程和合奏中进行选择, 从爵士乐队到键盘合奏, 以及参加一个音乐表演团体,如管乐团, orchestra or choir. 

    Review the 本科目录 to learn more. 

  • Learning Objectives


    • Composition and Improvisation: Students will acquire the ability to compose and/or improvise at a basic level in one or more musical languages. 
    • 文化和历史意识和背景:学生将意识到不同的文化, 培养对美国社会以及其他社会和艺术的好奇心, 并获得放置音乐的能力, 包括世界上各种文化的音乐, 超出专业领域的技能, 和他们自己时代的音乐, in historical, cultural, 以及文体语境. 
    • Elements and Organizational Patterns of Music: Students will acquire an understanding of the common elements and organizational patterns of music and their interaction, 以及用声音表达这种理解的能力, verbal, and visual analysis. 
    • Historic and Stylistic Performance Practices: Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of appropriate historical and stylistic performance practices. 
    • Independent and Cooperative Problem Solving: Students will work independently and cooperatively on a variety of musical problems by combining their capabilities in performance; aural, verbal, and visual analysis; composition and improvisation; and history and repertoire. 
    • 键盘能力:学生将掌握键盘能力. 
    • Knowledge of the Profession: Students will understand basic interrelationships and interdependencies among the various professions and activities that constitute the musical enterprise. 
    • Leadership and Collaborative Work: Students will acquire knowledge and skills sufficient to work as leaders and in collaboration on matters of musical interpretation, including rehearsal and conducting skills as appropriate to the particular music specialization and degree program. 
    • 终身学习:学生将发展技能,成为音乐艺术的终身学习者, 无论是作为参与者还是作为观众. 
    • Musical Form, Processes, 和结构:学生将获得对音乐形式的充分理解, processes, 以及将这些知识运用到作文中的结构, performance, scholarly, pedagogical, 以及历史背景, 根据他们的专业和学位课程. 
    • 音乐价值判断:学生将形成和捍卫对音乐的价值判断. 
    • 二级表演区:学生将在二级表演区获得经验. 
    • Technical and Musical Skill: Students will acquire technical skills requisite for artistic self-expression in at least one primary performance area at a level appropriate for the particular music specialization and degree program, 包括对主要表演领域的曲目的总体理解, 一种从该曲目的横截面上进行表演的能力, 流利的阅读能力, 以及在各种独奏和合奏环境中表演的能力. 
    • Technology: Students will acquire a basic overview understanding of how technology serves music and a working knowledge of technological developments applicable to their specialization and degree program. 
  • 从实践经验中学习


    The Mount Union大学 offers large school opportunities but with the care and nurturing you find at a smaller institution.  With five choirs, two bands, a symphony, 还有很多其他的乐团, 你可以在你喜欢做的事情上培养技能,让自己成为一名杰出的音乐家. 


    作为一名在Mount Union的学生, 在课堂之外,你有很多机会展示你的才能. 通过加入我们的许多学生合唱团, 课外活动和学生组织, 你可以加强你的音乐能力,并获得宝贵的表演经验.  

    • 学生展示在指定的星期四上午11点15分举行.m. 让学生有机会在满是威尼斯人app下载的观众面前表演, 学生和Mount Union社区的其他成员. 
    • 多个乐队,合唱团,管弦乐和小型合奏为学生提供. 
    • Extracurricular opportunities include Gospel Choir and theatre productions as well as student organizations like Kappa Kappa Psi and Mu Phi Epsilon. 
  • Careers

    Careers in Music 

    你是否梦想成为一名表演者, composer, director, working on the business and promotional end of the industry or have aspirations of exploring a future in music technology, our music curriculum prepares you to fine-tune your music skills through numerous performance opportunities while studying the history and theory of the field. 

    Common Careers

    Music Performer 
    Music Composer 
    Minister of Music 
    Pre-Music Therapy 
    Musical Theatre 
    Music and Computers 
    Arts Management  

  • 音乐家的健康


    用正确的技巧表演是一种严谨的体验. 你需要良好的身体、心理和精神力量和专注力. 现在开始评估你的个人习惯. 专注于变得尽可能的强大. 努力建立好习惯,这会让你成为一个优秀的表演者. 为了达到这个目标,请参阅下面的各种链接. 




  • Direct Admission

    在完成威尼斯人app下载的入学申请时, students wishing to major in music or music education should indicate one of those fields as their first academic interest. 应用程序将提示学生回答以下问题: 

    描述一下你的音乐经历,包括合奏, 私人音乐课, 以及相关的音乐活动. 

    Upload a reference letter from a music professional who can attest to your potential for success as a college music major (private vocal/instrumental teacher, ensemble, director, church musician, etc.) 


    • 你为什么要主修音乐学位? 
    • 作为音乐家,你的职业目标是什么? Why? 
    • 你在音乐上的优势和劣势是什么? 

    Provide the repertoire you will perform at your on-site audition (must fulfill department repertoire requirements)  

    申请人,请注意,您将被视觉通知 & 表演艺术(VPA)办公室你的音乐试镜日期, 在此期间,您必须完成现场试听体验, including: 

    Audition for the music faculty on your primary instrument—should be comprised of the repertoire you indicated on your application for admission into the music degrees above. Auditioning students will present a printed list of repertoire in person to the faculty hearing the audition. Auditioning students are encouraged to bring their own accompanist to the audition; if that is not possible, the department will provide an accompanist upon request (you must give four weeks of notice and provide the musical score to the department no later than three weeks before audition date). 


    完整的音乐理论,基础音乐和钢琴水平诊断测试. These tests are used for correct placement in the music curriculum course sequence and do not factor into the student’s admission to the music degrees. 


