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Digital Composing Resources

DWOC Hardware for Checkout at the KHIC Library Circulation Desk

DWOC工作室为Mount Union社区提供视频和音频设备. 大多数硬件一次发布三天,并且可以在获得授权的情况下更新 director.

Point-and-Shoot Sony Digital Cameras and Mini Tripods

这些易于使用的数码静止和视频相机配有一个小三脚架,以帮助保持视频稳定. These cameras are ideal when you need to film a presentation for class, when you want to interview someone in a quiet environment, or for capturing still images. These cameras produce MP4 videos--no need to convert file formats! You must provide your own SD card.

Sony Digital Camera How-to Video

Canon VIXIA Camcorders and Full-Sized SLIK Tripod   

我们的佳能摄像机提供更好的机载麦克风和更高质量的图像比我们的傻瓜相机, as well as a full-sized tripod. 当你打算在嘈杂的条件下拍摄时,检查摄像机是一个不错的选择. 这款相机包括内置的记录功能,如滤镜和拍摄慢动作镜头的功能. You must provide your own SD card.

Canon VIXIA Camcorder How-to Video Coming Soon

Zoom H4n Digital Field Recorders

Zoom录音机允许您在许多情况下自由录制专业质量的声音,例如在音乐会, interviews where using a microphone connected to a laptop is impractical, or when you want to capture sound outdoors. zoom可以用来录制高质量的声音,之后可以与视频或其他媒体同步. Each Zoom comes with two sets of rechargeable batteries, a windscreen, and a mini-tripod to reduce handling noise. 你必须提供你自己的SD卡-确保在Zoom中使用SD卡之前备份你的文件, as discs must be formatted (erased) before they can be used to record sound.

Zoom H4n How-to Video

Snowball Blue iCE Microphone

Snowball mics are popular with podcasters, livestreamers, 配音演员和那些只需要为视频项目录制高质量画外音的人. This mic plugs directly into your laptop through a USB cable. Simply enable the mic in your computer’s settings and you will be ready to record.

Snowball Blue iCE Microphone How-to Video

Copyright, Plagiarism and Fair Use

DWOC工作室支持Mount Union社区创建数字、多模式项目. Composing with the intent to publish online is exciting, 但它所提出的挑战与你在写传统学期论文时所面临的挑战不同. 理解版权(违反法律)和剽窃(违反道德)之间的区别很重要。, and to understand the limits of fair use, 特别是如果你要在网上发布你的作品,版权所有者可能会发现它,并质疑在你发表的作品中使用他们的作品.

Copyright, Copyleft, and Fair Use

This Hoonuit module, available by subscription to Mount Union students and faculty, 带你通过你需要知道的关于版权的一切,以及它是如何影响你作为一个学生创作作品,在课堂上分享, online, and on social media.

Fair Use in a Day in the Life of a College Student

This infographic, published by the Association of Research Librarians, is touched on in the Hoonuit module above. 它展示了大学生在学术和个人生活中对合理使用的依赖程度,并简要介绍了合理使用的运作方式.

Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week Resources

Need even more up-to-date guidance on fair use? 看看这个由研究图书馆员协会及其合作伙伴维护的网站,了解世界上关于合理使用和公平交易的最新动态.

The Public Domain  

What does it mean when something is said to be in the public domain? 根据作品原产国的不同,“公共领域”的定义可能有所不同. Works created before 1923 in the United States are in the public domain, meaning that the creator’s copyright has expired.  查看斯坦福大学图书馆的版权和合理使用指南中的公共领域资源, to find out what does and doesn’t belong in the public domain.

Assets for Digital Composing

Need some background music for a video project? What about images you can use to make your PowerPoint or website look stunning? 然而,除了在公共领域发布的材料之外,没有任何东西可以被称为“无版权”,因此您可以自由地以任何方式使用您希望的方式, an enormous number of assets (images, sounds, music, etc.)可以通过数据库和在线搜索引擎获得,您可以以各种方式使用这些数据库和搜索引擎.

Disclaimer: If you publish your finished piece online or elsewhere, it is important to do research and find out:

  1. Whether your use of the material would constitute fair use
  2. Whether an asset is actually in the public domain
  3. 它是否已被实际创作者适当地许可用于您的预期用途

In other words, 不要想当然地认为,因为你在公共领域图像的数据库中找到了一幅作品,或者仅仅因为一个网站声明了一幅作品是不受限制使用的,所以它实际上是安全的. When you publish, 你有责任做进一步的研究,以确定你是否真的“完全清楚”在你自己的创造性工作中使用一个片段.

Public Domain Resources

Public Domain Sherpa



This helpful list of databases will help you find books, images, photographs, videos, and sheet music that are in the public domain. Again, use caution. 如果你打算发布,弄清楚你想要使用的东西是否在公共领域.

British Library Flickr Galleries of Images in the Public Domain

大英图书馆的Flickr账户包含数百万张属于公共领域的图片, many of them from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. 如果你正在寻找一个不寻常的,引人注目的历史图像,这可能是一个很好的起点.

Licenced Material

Creative Commons (CC)

There are many myths about what CC is and what it does. 这是不正确的,任何你发现使用CC是免费的,你可以用任何你喜欢的方式使用. Instead, CC提供许可标签,清楚地说明创作者为其作品保留了哪些权利. Some creators reserve all rights, 这意味着他们想向世界表明,他们不希望其他人使用他们的作品,除非获得他们的许可. Some creators reserve some rights, such as wanting to be credited when their work is used, or disallowing commercial use of their work. Still others deed their work to the public domain, reserving no rights, and allowing anyone to use their work in any way they choose. Learn more about how to read CC licenses and then check out their new beta search engine. The new search engine makes creating attribution easy. Learn more about how to attribute CC material here.

CC List of Sites for Music

Finding music licensed appropriately for use in videos, podcasts, and other digital projects can be tough. 如果音乐家或出版商保留所有权利,使用过多的歌曲可能会导致下架通知或法律诉讼. 这个网站为您提供了如何找到适合您需要的授权音乐的信息.


From the Musical Technology Group of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain, Freesound is a collection of “audio snippets, samples, recordings, 哔哔声”,这些都是在知识共享许可下发布的,允许它们重复使用. Find out how to properly attribute sounds before you use them.

The Sonic Dictionary

The Sonic Dictionary, a collaboration between Duke University and several others, 允许你从A-Z搜索声音,并在你的项目中使用它们.

Other Digital Composing Resources

Web Writing Style Guide

这本开源教材将帮助您了解如何在不同的在线环境中写作, 从布局网站和撰写副本到优化你的内容,以便搜索引擎可以找到它并向搜索者推荐.