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Office of Student Affairs

学生事务办公室负责监督一个全面的学生发展计划,包括职业发展办公室, Health Center, Office of Residence Life, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, 学生参与和领导办公室, 校园安全办公室, Intramurals and Counseling Services.

Offices and Services

  1. Alcohol, Drug, and Wellness Education

    The Office of Alcohol, Drug, 健康教育以校园范围内的“意识”活动的形式提供规划和推广, hall and floor programs, 还有个人和团体咨询. 该办公室为关心酒精问题的学生提供教育和咨询, drugs, and other wellness-related issues. Additionally, the Office of Alcohol, Drug, 健康教育是一个校园范围内的资源-为学生提供健康相关的信息和推荐, 无论是用于课堂项目还是个人使用.

    Alcohol, Drug, and Wellness Education

  2. Campus Security

    校园安全办公室负责为校园社区提供各种服务,包括安全护送服务, crime prevention information, fire safety, medical transportation, emergency response, vehicle assistance, lockout assistance, traffic control, and parking enforcement.

    Safety and Parking

  3. Chaplain

    牧师办公室负责提供和监督校园精神生活的各个方面, which include: community worship and prayer; advising and coordinating the activities of student religious groups; encouraging student involvement in the worship and community life of churches in the Alliance area; developing and participating in local, regional, and national student religious conferences and retreats; and planning and coordinating mission/work trips for students, faculty, and administrators.

    Spiritual Life

  4. Counseling Services



  5. Diversity and Inclusion

    多样性和包容性办公室的目标是为所有学生提供资源. 办公室为学生提供帮助, social, cultural, 个人的幸福和与教师的合作, staff, 管理人员协助学生追求卓越的学术成就. 

    Diversity and Inclusion

  6. Recreation and Wellness

    娱乐和校内办公室提供各种各样的服务和活动,以促进和支持娱乐和健康. 除了监督麦克弗森学术和运动中心(MAAC)及其健身课程的时间表, 办公室还组织我们的校内项目, 它包括全年的各种竞技体育和活动. 

    Recreation and Intramurals

  7. Residence Life




  8. Spirit Squads

    精神小队办公室负责监督Mount Union的啦啦队, dance team, and mascot, 运动员中哪些支持校风, students, 通过发展和促进对威尼斯人app下载的忠诚来培养和威尼斯人app下载. 

    Cheer and Dance

  9. Student Conduct

    学生行为规范计划的任务是教育学生, reinforce the values of Mount Union, 维护和教育执行学生行为准则. 所有的行为官都通过反思行为选择的教育对话来促进学生的发展, academic progress, learning, and ultimately student success. In addition, 行为过程鼓励学生为充实的生活做准备, meaningful work, and responsible citizenship. 

    Student Conduct

    Student Handbook

  10. Student Involvement and Leadership

    学生参与和领导办公室支持并鼓励有意义的参与,并致力于将Mount Union社区成员彼此联系起来,以创造和继续这样做的机会.

    Student Involvement